

Document Type

Capstone Project (Open Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Liberal Studies

First Advisor

Patty Whang


This Capstone project addresses the crucial issue of inadequate social-emotional learning in elementary schools, focusing on improving access and quality for students. It is essential to tackle this issue because limited access hinders the development of students' social-emotional skills, potentially affecting their long-term success. It is argued that integrating higher-quality social-emotional learning into education is necessary to foster lifelong skills. Three key stakeholders—two parents and one principal—were interviewed to obtain their suggestions for improving social-emotional skills. Analysis of the data revealed three potential action options: hiring more professionals; providing additional professional development for educators; and enhancing parental involvement. Of these, hiring more professionals is proposed as the most effective strategy to elevate the level and quality of social-emotional learning for elementary school students.

Included in

Education Commons
