

Document Type

Capstone Project (Open Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science (B.S.)


Human Development & Family Science


Human Development & Family Science


This capstone project focuses on children’s development of sportsmanship. Sportsmanship is the act of having a good attitude and playing fair. Good sportsmanship can be practiced by players, coaches, and spectators. The problem with sportsmanship in childhood sports is that there is a noticeable lack of sportsmanlike behaviors while participating in athletic competitions. This can include physical education class, a sports team, or just playing tag at recess. An estimation of 57.6% of youth in the United States participate in at least one sport (Bolter et al., 2018) and while they may not stick with it as they grow older, sports play an important role in the shaping of children’s values and character. There is a need to promote good sportsmanship in childhood sports to strengthen character development, respect, inclusivity, and positive values while decreasing unsportsmanlike behavior. Sportsmanship can include showing respect, encouraging teammates, or helping an injured opponent (Bolter et al., 2018). A “good sport” is able to promote inclusivity, demonstrate respect to teammates and opponents alike, and overall make the game more enjoyable for their peers. Because of this need, I developed a set of three lessons on the skills necessary to be a good sport. The lessons will focus on defining sportsmanship, handling wins and losses gracefully, and treating teammates with respect. The lessons will be presented to an after school program in Stockton, California. The ages of the children range from five to eight.
