

Document Type

Capstone Project (Open Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science (B.S.)


Human Development & Family Science


Middle school students with learning disabilities face a higher risk of being targets of bullying compared to their peers without learning disabilities due to challenges in developing social skills. Bullying behaviors peak at the age of 14, potentially inflicting lasting psychological harm and endangering the student's well being into adulthood. The lack of clearly defining bullying leads to uncertainty amongst students on identifying bullying behaviors thus many bullying incidents being unreported by the victims or their peers. For this study, the participants for this project consisted of middle school students aged 10 to 14 years old, grades 6 to 8, all diagnosed with a learning disability. The study was conducted at Rolling Hills Middle School is a public school primarily serving Hispanic and socioeconomically disadvantaged communities. As a result, participants in this project were able to successfully define bullying in their own words and identify bullying behaviors. This enhanced understanding properly equips participants to promote social awareness and engage in healthy relationship dynamics.
