

Document Type

Capstone Project (Open Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Liberal Studies

First Advisor

Paoze Thao


By utilizing the auto-ethnographical approach to writing in the creatively structured format of an arts-integrated exercise that is project-based, this study analyzes qualitative responses made by one administrator and three in-service teachers. By retroactively highlighting students’ epiphanies of musical memories (see Appendix D) while also integrating Common-Core and State Standards into its structural design, it produced an activity that was extremely challenging for fifth-grade students but also may hold potential for growth in writing skills and self-knowledge especially as it relates to the practice of teacher self-study. This approach may be utilized in classrooms in the future, but any integration into the curriculum or in professional teaching collaboration groups must be actively engaged by both instructors and students alike. Sociological concepts like race, class, culture etc. can be introduced earlier into writing lessons in public school K-8 curriculum, but must be systematically integrated to achieve maximum pedagogical and collaborative impact.
