

Document Type

Capstone Project

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science (B.S.)


Science & Environmental Policy


nvasive plants are rapidly becoming an environmental and economic burden (Vitousek 1996). The California Department of State Parks is taking on a dune restoration project on the former Fort Ord army base in Marina, California. The reasons for the restoration range from aesthetics to preserving the future of native plant species on Fort Ord. Five dunes on the former army base that were all recently revegetated were sampled to get an idea of how successful these plantings were. The California Department of State Parks has set a target of having 80% of the species on the revegetated dunes native and less than 20% exotic. The results from this study show that the plantings were extremely successful on four of the five dunes. There was one dune with 0% native species, but the lowest percentage besides that one was 79%. It will be extremely interesting to follow up on this monitoring project in the future to see how invasive species can spread over time.


Capstone Project (B.S.) Earth Systems Science & Policy Institute

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