

Document Type

Capstone Project

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science (B.S.)


Science & Environmental Policy


he Salinas Community Food Security Collaborative (SCFSC) formed in April of 1998. This collaborative stemmed from a grant the Rural Development Center received to develop Community Food Security among farmworker communities. The mission of the SCFSC is: to create a food system that provides culturally sensitive, healthful food to all people at all times through a non-emergency food system. After one year, I conducted an assessment to see if goals were met or achieved over the past year. The scope of this assessment narrowed down to examine and assess the effectiveness of the leadership in the collaborative. I interviewed individual collaborative members about leadership strategies over the past year and surveyed field trip participants as a tool for education. This evaluation found the structure of the leadership and the group to be loose and unfocused. The lack of strong facilitation hindered the forward process and movement of the collaborative. Further, the goals and objectives of the collaborative were unclear to most of the long-term participants of the collaborative. The field trip is effective for education and communication of the vision of Community Food Security. In order for the collaborative to move forward, a strong facilitator must run the meetings with strict watch to the time. Attainable goals for each meeting and action are essential to give the group a sense of accomplishment.


Capstone Project (B.S.) Earth Systems Science & Policy Institute

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