

Document Type

Capstone Project

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Liberal Studies


Children in America are making poor food choice decision and growing increasingly larger in size. This lesson plan works to teach children the relation between food, nutrition and health. It is made to help students have more self-efficacy and make better choices when they are at the school lunch line and at home. This lesson plan includes interactive worksheets for students to work on through-out the lesson that teach them about the food groups and how much they should consume during the day. The 4-day lesson also includes two questionnaires to determine the effectiveness of the lesson. Students learn about their favorite fruits and vegetables and why they are so important to consume, how to deal with bullies and the importance of trying new nutritious foods often. By teaching students that they can make better choices and live a happy healthy lifestyle we empower them for the rest of their lives.


Capstone Project (B.A.) Liberal Studies Department

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