

Document Type

Capstone Project

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Liberal Studies


Educational disengagement is a rapidly growing epidemic and is a major concern among middle and high school age students. Essentially, educational disengagement is when students become bored and uninterested in the curriculum that they are being taught for a wide variety of reasons something that can eventually lead them to drop out of school. Studies show that if students drop out of school they make considerably less money, they are less likely to get hired and they are much less satisfied with their career options. This project aims to help re-engage students within their curriculum. One hundred nineteen students at Salinas High were surveyed to assess their level of educational disengagement. Findings from that survey revealed that almost 60% of those surveyed showed signs of mild to severe educational disengagement. As a direct response, a motivational and information presentation and handout were created and implemented as a direct attempt to help motivate students to graduate high school and attend college. This was a crucial piece within this capstone project because the students at Salinas High need more motivation and guidance than ever. If they do not receive the simply guidance and motivation that they are seeking, it is likely that many will drop out of high school and not attend college at all.


Capstone Project (B.A.) Liberal Studies Department

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