"Labor Movement News & International News: Noticias del Movimiento Labo"




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The fight for improved working conditions was not only seen within the farm workers union. In 1973 about four thousand Shell plant employees declined to renew their contracts. They demanded increased wages and reasonable hours. They OCAW union with the help of environmental organization Sierra Club organized various strikes and boycotts throughout the country to improve the working/living conditions of workers. The article to right focuses on the rise of unemployment and a demand for a minimum wage increase by AFL-CIO. The articles below focuses on international labor news. Spanish workers were arrested for violating the law that prohibited union strikes and unions that were not overseen by the government. Okinawa military base workers demanded a wage increase and better working/living conditions. In Johannesburg, South Africa approximately fifty thousand workers went on strike and economically devastated the economy of Durban, Africa. Lastly, there is an article comparing the economic struggles of farm workers and small farmers in the United States and those is Ireland.


Shell Oil, labor news, management, harmful, communities, OCAW, Oil, Chemical and Atomic Workers union, Alvin F. Grospiron, Shell plants, California, oil companies, Sierra Club, organizations, strikes, boycott, environment, Washington D.C. unemployment, administration, Congress, minimum wage, Latin America, Spanish workers, Okinawan workers, Madrid, Spain, military, pro-labor, South African, student, Johannesburg, South Africa, South African Student Organization, bannes, Durban, National Union of South African Students, students, farm workers, survival, La paz, California, Ireland, farms, D'Alcy, John Arden, poor, farmers, United States, taxes, AFL-CIO, salariers, wages, Irish farmers






United States, Africa, Ireland, & Spain



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El Malcriado Newspaper Collection


Archives & Special Collections of California State University, Monterey Bay


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Labor Movement News & International News: Noticias del Movimiento Laboral y Noticias Internacionales



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