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Duyen Tran is a 33-year-old Vietnamese American woman who currently resides in Los Angeles, California. Tran is a community organizer and aspiring family and marriage therapist. As a Buddhist practitioner, she applies Buddhist principles to her mental health work. Tran is a Sewing Auntie and Care Coordinator for the Auntie Sewing Squad.
Thematic Summary
(00:01:50) Tran spoke about how her family migrated as refugees to Southern California when she was only four years old. (00:08:52) Tran discusses her community organizing around transit access, nail salon workers’ health, and environmental justice. (00:14:45) The pandemic revealed to Tran the cracks in the system, or the inequalities which she had already seen firsthand, and how it became exacerbated during COVID-19. (00:18:02) She speaks about how Buddhism plays an important role in maintaining her mental health. (00:28:44) Tran shares how the Auntie Sewing Squad provided human connection during a time of disconnection.
Interview Date
Brenna Mendonca; Yelitzi Ortega
Recommended Citation
Tran, Duyen, "Interview with Duyen Tran" (2021). Auntie Sewing Squad Interviews. 39.