Document Type
Master's Thesis
Degree Name
Master of Arts (M.A.)
Teacher Education
This thesis was designed to develop a specifically directed curriculum unit for military students at the Defense Language Institute, the goal of which is to expose students to the distinctive aspects of Arab culture. Knowledge of culture is indispensable when studying a foreign language. Learning about the uniqueness of the culture of the target language tends to inculcate feelings of acceptance and tolerance of that culture. The thesis discusses an array of topics related to the definition of culture, role of culture in foreign language acquisition, tolerance, task-based instruction and other references to theoretical and empirical sources in the field of foreign-language study. The curriculum unit consists of four 4-hour elementary level lessons with clearly stated language and cultural objectives, vocabulary and grammar presentations, activities, cultural notes, and language/cultural awareness assessment. Teacher's notes are included throughout the lesson to provide suggestions and guidance. The concluding chapter presents the rationale behind the task-based curriculum design, choice of activities and use of authentic and semi-authentic material, and ties it to the literature. Recommendations for more student involvement in setting cultural objectives for future lessons, and suggestions for utilizing students in performing the research of cultural aspects pertaining to the lesson are presented.
Recommended Citation
Alghusain, Arwa Ghazi, "The role of culture in foreign language curriculum design and teaching as a tool for promoting cultural awareness" (2009). Capstone Projects and Master's Theses. 438.
Thesis (M.A.) Teacher Education Department