

Document Type

Capstone Project (Open Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Health, Human Services and Public Policy


Collaborative Health and Human Services; Non-profit Management minor


Sun Street Centers mission is to prevent alcohol and drug addiction, and they do this by providing education, prevention, treatment options, and recovery to individuals and their family members in the Monterey County community, regardless of their income level. Sun Street Centers has been providing effective services and programs for those recovering from alcohol and drug addiction since 1968. Some of these programs and services that are offered to youth and parents include gateway drug presentations, cannabis education and substance abuse, and bullying presentations. They also offer the Safe Teens Empowerment Project (STEPS) where students are not only encouraged to engage within their community, but also able to obtain community service hours. The purpose of this project is to educate the community about opioid use and its effects on overall health while also providing Narcan training. Through research and putting together a presentation along with a flier and a post survey, this presentation is available for parents, caregivers, guardians or anyone over the age of 18. After presenting this project to staff members at Sun Street Centers, there were few suggestions to make this presentation stronger and successful. The goal of this project is to reduce opioid overdose fatalities in Monterey County, because in 2019, there were 96 fatalities due to opioid overdose (KSBW, 2022). With an ongoing opioid epidemic, this presentation could also be adapted and presented to youth, so they can avoid an overdose and possibly save a life by using or having easy access to a Narcan.
