

Document Type

Capstone Project (Campus-Only Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Liberal Studies


Liberal Studies

First Advisor

Paoze Thao


The purpose of this senior capstone research project is to examine the benefits of parental involvement in kindergarten students’ education. Parental involvement is a big part of a student's educational performance. There are many reasons why parents cannot always be as involved or participate in their children’s education. However, there are different ways that teachers and school officials could involve parents. Through the use of a literature review, teacher interview, paraeducator interview, intervention teacher survey, anonymous parental involvement survey, and personal experience in South Monterey County, the results indicated that there are several factors that prevented parent involvement in their kindergarten students’ education included poverty, language barrier, and their work schedule conflict that attributed to the low parental involvement in school.

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