Document Type
Capstone Project (Open Access)
Degree Name
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
Health, Human Services and Public Policy
Collaborative Health & Human Services
First Advisor
Ignacio Navarro
Second Advisor
Dennis Hungridge
Rancho Cielo Youth Campus is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization located in Salinas CA. The agency serves underserved and disconnected youth that have dropped out of school, are on probation, or under truancy regulations in Monterey County. The problem this capstone addressed is that the recidivism rate for at-risk youth is too high. Rancho Cielo’s Value-added program seeks to alleviate this problem by training youth in agriculture technology as a way to connect them with careers in the sector. The capstone project consisted of a program evaluation that documented the program implementation and the creation of a program logic model. The expected outcome was to identify areas of improvement and areas of success pertaining to the implementation of the values added program. The recommendation is to continue to assess and document the program’s implementation in preparation for an outcomes evaluation that measures the program’s impact on the population served.
Recommended Citation
Cardenas Alfaro, Yacin, "Rancho Cielo Value Added Program Evaluation" (2020). Capstone Projects and Master's Theses. 849.