

Document Type

Capstone Project

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Liberal Studies


Many children in public education are not aware of the importance of being educated about environmental issues and problems. Recycling is a topic that should be taught at all levels of education. It is critical that students are knowledgeable about recycling. The best place to start incorporating this lifestyle is at the middle school classroom. Middle school students are at a critical age of their development where they are able to make intellectual connections with the topic of recycling and how it benefits their local community. This research project investigates how important it is to include this topic in the curriculum that would properly handle waste in their local communities. Through surveys, interviews, and lesson plans, this research finding indicated that middle school students benefited from incorporating environmental issues such as recycling within their curriculum to have a cleaner school environment as well as a cleaner planet.


Capstone Project (B.A.) Liberal Studies Department

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