

Document Type

Capstone Project

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Liberal Studies


After school programs that are coordinated by the same organization are not always structured in the same manner; some are chaotic whereas others are organized. After school programs, within the same organization should meet the same standards in order to best benefit the students. Site directors from two different sites were interviewed to understand how the sites are run and what could be done to make each after school program better. The research showed that a successful after school program needs to effectively execute adequate communication between site directors, staff, and parents. Additional findings include the importance of keeping the site organized and properly staffed. As a result of this project, it was learned that a successful after school program is dependent on the site director. With the knowledge gained through research about after school programs and observation of the different sites, “the book” was created with useful tips and tools to help the site coordinator of the chaotic site run a more successful after school program.


Capstone Project (B.A.) Liberal Studies Department

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