"my manifesto: a public declaration of patriarchal domination and resis" by Carmina Eliason

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Dear friends,

I would like to share with you a piece of my identity.

During Spring of 2005 I wrote the following piece as a part of political stand against patriarchy in a class entitled "Domination & Resistance." It was written to record certain events in my life which in part caused me to be the person I am today. It was also written in order to document my personal statement against the domination of patriarchy. It was meant to be read and heard by others so that more people would understand the penetration of patriarchal violence that still exists in our society. By publishing this piece in an academic journal I hope to validate my experience among the scholarly and to force examination of the phenomenon of patriarchal domination as an aspect of culture and society to be studied by social and behavioral scientists.

December 17, 2005 I will be celebrating my 2nd anniversary of freedom from a person who violently dominated my life for six and a half years. The piece is a part of a healing and learning process I have been a part of since that time. In Fall 2004 I published a piece of artwork entitled, "Good Man Bad Man," which was created during Spring 2004. This piece documented my feelings toward men, bringing together my angst againist my past and my hopes for the future. I now present to you a piece that textually represents what has happened to me in the past and what I am finally doing now in the present.

This piece is not meant as a "man-bashing" opportunity, as it is meant for you to use it to view one person's experience of patriarchal domination. My piece might be difficult to read as it might conjure up uncomfortable feelings and thoughts. In
addition I use language that is graphic and explicit.

I can't say "I hope you enjoy my piece." You may not enjoy it. Rather, I hope that you learn from it and become more aware of our culture's patriarchal domination.



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