In the 1970s in Richgrove, CA there were approximately 800 residents. The school board at the time was controlled by growers. The city was composed of 80% Chicanos and 20% Filipinos. The demographic o..
In the 1970s in Richgrove, CA there were approximately 800 residents. The school board at the time was controlled by growers. The city was composed of 80% Chicanos and 20% Filipinos. The demographic of the board and school administration did not match the community that they served, which resulted in a lack of understanding of student experiences. The children in that city suffered living in poverty and faced a school system that was inherently racist. It was difficult for students to receive a proper education and as we know education is one of the ways to escape economic hardships. Education is an avenue for many to apply and accept better paying professions, thus resulting in reducing their economic burden. However, that option was not provide to these children.