Miscellaneous Documents and Reports
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Problems of irrigation
Prepared by William Ham. Hall, this publication was an exhibit transmitted to the California State Legislature concerning the extent and character of the Report on the Problems of Irrigation then in the course of preparation and publication by the State Engineer. While the first 32 pages of this book contain a Table of Contents or Outline of Matter for each chapter of the entire work, from which a fair idea could be formed of its scope, system of arrangement, and degree of completeness. The remaining 272 pages contain the text of about three-fifths of the First Book of the work -- namely, the papers on the Irrigation Legislation and Administration of the Romans, French, and Italians. This preparatory notice outlined the seven works with the necessary appendices would address: The Social, Political, and Legal Problems of Irrigation; the Physical, Practical, and Technical Problems of Irrigation; and the Planning, Construction, Operation, and Maintenance of Irrigation Works. The book goes on to address the matter of water supply and irrigable lands in California
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"1884 – Outline of Matter and Advance Sheets on the Report on the Legislative, Administrative, Technical and Practical Problems of Irrigation, William Ham. Hall" (2019). Miscellaneous Documents and Reports. 100.

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