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California history
Published originally in 1867, this second edition included events that transpired during the intervening years (1867-1883). Topics covered included, but not limited to, were a eescription of California, it’s discovery, the sufferings of Cortez and his Followers, Spaniards neglect of California, the commerce of Spain disrupted by Privateers, Viscaino’s second expedition, Father Salva-Tierra at San Dionysio, the insurrection of the Pericues, earliest settlements in Upper California, the Discovery of the Bay of San Francisco, establishment of missions, Mission Delores, the state of the converted Indians, Captain John A. Sutter, Stockton subjugation of California, California ceded to the United States by Mexico, discovery of gold, California towns, Indian wars, descriptions of California landscape, mining, establishment of the Vigilance Committee, land claims, establishment of schools and churches, trade with China and other countries, railroads, Chinese, Hoodlum Riots, Pickhandle Brigade, Kearney, organization of Workingmen’s Party, the Amador War, Modoc War, development and exportation of wheat, hydraulic mining, interference with farmers’ occupation by slickens (unproductive sludge from the mining process).
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"1883 - A popular history of California _ from the earliest period of its discovery to the present time, Lucia Norman" (2019). Miscellaneous Documents and Reports. 102.

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