CSUMB Assessment Philosophy and Practice

How to Use

Development, Standards, and Grading

Personal, professional & social responsibility threshold concepts

• Individual in the Social World
  • Individuals do not exist in isolation. Rather, individuals shape and are shaped by social systems.
• Ethical Frameworks
  • Ethical frameworks are multidimensional, acquired, constantly renegotiated, and guide action differently based on context.
• Public Responsibilities
  • Individuals have personal and professional identities, and those identities have public responsibilities that need intentional development.
• Learning Through Public Action
  • All learning happens in relationship to what one already knows and believes, and is connected to and influenced by one's experience in the world. Learning requires applying knowledge and acting in the world.


Assignment Guides


Personal, Professional & Social Responsibility Assignment Guide, California State University, Monterey Bay



Personal, Professional & Social Responsibility Rubric, California State University, Monterey Bay