

Document Type

Capstone Project (Open Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Liberal Studies


Liberal Studies

First Advisor

Paoze Thao


Empowering Latino students to pursue careers in astronomy/physics is possible if we find the correct way to help them. Astronomy can help our planet, and physics teaches us how to appreciate our earth and everything around us. Currently, Latinos are underrepresented in these careers. This senior capstone examines the different ways that schools could empower Latino students to pursue careers in astronomy/physics. Through the use of literature review, interviews with two teachers and one astronomer, and an anonymous survey of students, the result findings indicate that introducing careers in astronomy/physics to Latino students at a young age could spark their curiosity that would lead them to pursue careers in science even though it may pose a challenge for schools to do so, but that could spur curiosity for them to explore more careers in science.
