

Document Type

Capstone Project (Open Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Liberal Studies


Liberal Studies


This project focused on student engagement in PE at the middle school level. Student engagement is so meaningful because even though physical education is supposed to educate kids to be physically active while being active in practice, quite the opposite is happening. Middle school is the point at which students begin to lose interest in PE, viewing it as repetitive and pointless, which is why it is so essential to make this forgotten subject fun again. After survey and interviewing students and staff members participating in physical education at a local middle school in Marina, three themes emerged from the analyses of the responses. They were to give students more varied and relevant options to do during class and throughout the year; install a reward system to break down group mentality to motivate students; and do more collaborations with outside organizations like CSUMB. The best course of action out of the three would be doing more collaborations with outside organizations as the extra manpower would allow the teachers of those classes more wiggle room to bond with their students, give them more choices, and install an effective motivation system as they are not so focused on classroom management.
