

Document Type

Capstone Project (Open Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science (B.S.)


Human Development & Family Science


Human Development & Family Science

First Advisor

Christi Cervantes


The focus of this project is teaching 2nd and 3rd-grade children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) how to develop emotional regulation skills. Emotion regulation is the ability to evaluate and change one’s emotional state in the moment. The problem is that these students have difficulty with emotion regulation and frequently experience emotional outbursts. An emotional outburst could be a child throwing a toy across the classroom because the teacher asked them to stay seated at their desk over three times. The child does not realize they cannot throw toys across the classroom. This happens because children with ASD cannot always recognize their feelings and others’ feelings (McHugh et al., 2011). These children do not realize how upset they are until it is too late to regulate themselves on their own. There is a need for services that teach these students how to regulate their emotions independently. Because of this need, I developed a workshop that teaches the children facial awareness of the three emotions happy, sad, and mad. I will also teach them how to demonstrate two strategies for calming down when feeling negative emotions. Lastly, I will teach them two positive ways to ask the teacher for help when feeling negative emotions. I will teach the lessons at Rio Del Mar Elementary School in Aptos, CA, and will teach 13 special needs students at the second to third-grade level.

Included in

Education Commons
