Theses from 2024
Modeling Threatened California Red Legged Frog (Rana draytonii) Habitat with MaxEnt Using Environmental DNA Presence via Quantitative PCR, Charley Abernathy
Developing Metrics of Ecological Integrity for Wetlands on the Pyramid Lake Paiute Reservation, Rebecca Baggott
Determining the influence of environmental factors on amphibian road presence near the Fort Ord National Monument in Monterey County, California, Joshua Beasley
Evaluating Ecological Conditions of the Salinas River After the Removal of Arundo donax During Wet and Dry Years, Savannah Y. Saldaña
Theses from 2023
A Comparative Metagenomics Study on A Bioreactor System in Salinas, CA, The Salinas River Valley, and The Tijuana River Valley, Connie Samantha Machuca
Mesopredator Occupancy and Passerine Richness Along an Urbanization Gradient in Central Coastal California, Matthew McGee
The Genomics of Pesticide-Remediating Microbes Relevant to Agricultural Specialty Crops Grown on California’s Central Coast, Kieran Szelong
Assessing the Carmel River’s Biotic Conditions After River Reroute and Dam Removal Using the California Stream Condition Index, Janelle Vasquez-Nicholas
Theses from 2022
Estimating Natural Background Water Quality in California Rivers, Emma A. Debasitis
Evidence for Particle Dilution and Dispersion as the Strongest Effects on Reach-Scale Salmonid eDNA Sampling Outcomes in Mediterranean-Climate Rivers and Streams, Shawn A. Melendy
The Genomics of Imidacloprid-Remediating Bacteria, Rahil Ryder
Developing a Molecular Diet Analysis, and Characterizing the Intestinal Microbiota of Wild Juvenile Coastal Rainbow Trout/Steelhead in California, Bryan Van Orman
Theses from 2021
Development of Predictive Bioassessment Indices of Non-Perennial Streams and Rivers in the Arid Southwestern United States, Andrew M. Caudillo
Theses from 2020
Surface Conditions Drive Changes In Groundfish Species' Populations Along California Coast, Danielle Marie Fabian
Native Species Response to Goat Foraging in a Shrub-invaded California Coastal Grassland, John Inman
Associating Landscape Variables with Nesting Occupancy and Success of Songbirds Using Nest Boxes in Semi-urban Greenspaces, Amanda Preece
Integrating Field Methods, Remote Sensing and Modeling to Monitor Climate-Adapted Tidal Marsh Restoration, Alexandra S. Thomsen