

Document Type

Capstone Project

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science (B.S.)


Science & Environmental Policy


almon populations are in the decline in the Western Pacific. Locating existing populations and protecting them is becoming increasingly important. One species of local interest is the Onchorhynchus mykiss, or steelhead. With the Carmel River being listed as the southernmost major steelhead run (Dettman and Kelley, 1986), it is hoped that suitable spawning habitat exists in the nearby Salinas River watershed. Using a habitat assessment developed in part by Dave Dettman, this study assessed 3 sites along the Arroyo Seco River. Two of the sites were on the Arroyo Seco and one site was located along Piney Creek, a tributary between the two main stem Arroyo Seco sties. This study found that there is a high potential for steelhead to spawn and rear fry tin portions of Pinney Creek and Arroyo Seco River, a major tributary to the Salinas River. Potential fish densities were calculated to be between 13.99 and 14.67 fish/meter², at the Upper and Lower Arroyo Seco sites, respectively, while Piney Creek, a small tributary to the Arroyo Seco River yielded an approximate potential fish density of 3.28 fish/meter². Potential young of the year populations were calculated to be in the hundreds of thousands, for both of the Arroyo Seco study sites and slightly less, still in the hundreds of thousands, for the Piney Creek site. From these results, policies concerning habitat mitigation, landuse, and California Fish and Game codes are discussed.


Capstone Project (B.S.) Earth Systems Science & Policy Institute
