"Dismantling the master's house : using whose tools? : a critical analy" by Judith Flores



Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Arts (M.A.)


Teacher Education


This participatory action thesis critically analyzes the experiences of the University Service Advocates at the Service Learning Institute of California State University, Monterey Bay. Data were gathered from two focus groups, one formed by seven women and the other composed of four men. The data were analyzed using grounded theory methodology and applied to two theoretical frameworks: Critical Race Theory and Cultural Citizenship. The findings demonstrated an urgent need to rethink the pedagogical approaches in the social justice curriculum co-taught by marginalized instructors or peer facilitators. A module was created as a teaching tool to incorporate reciprocal learning through storytelling, where students and the instructor can gain respect and maintain their dignity in the classroom.


Thesis (M.A.) Institute for Advanced Studies in Education
