
Spring 2015

Document Type

Capstone Project

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Liberal Studies


The main concern for this Capstone is that there is a lack of parent awareness of the Transitional Kindergarten (TK) program in first-time school parents. If a parent doesn't already have a child enrolled in the school district to come home with a flyer about the TK enrollment dates, there is no way for them to find out about the program except word of mouth. This project set out to bring awareness to those first-time school parents. An informational Prezi was created and presented in the gym of one of the schools offering TK classrooms. The presentation was publicized outside of the schools in places such as the local WIC office, health clinics, grocery stores, and laundromats where fist-time school parents with age eligible children frequent. The Prezi included why the cutoff date for kindergarten has changed, what TK is, what the classroom is like, the benefits of their child attending TK before kindergarten, and the details on enrolling their child into the program. The re were also informational pamphlets for them to take with them, as well as questionnaires given before and after to measure the success of the presentation. The presentation was an overall success with the parents reporting that they left the presentation feeling fully informed on the TK program.


Capstone Project (B.A.) Liberal Studies Department
