

Document Type

Capstone Project

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science (B.S.)


Science & Environmental Policy


With an increasing demand for squid, the fishery has grown enormously from when it first started in the 1800's. Due to the expansion of the fishery, many policies and management plans were implemented to ensure a sustainable fishery. Along with the increase of fishing vessels and new technology, management plans have been created to help with the competition between fishermen and to monitor the squid population. Squid reproductive success and spawning biomass are affected by many climate factors such as El Niño, and monthly temperature changes. Events like El Niño can devastate the population size and the fishery. With the new policies and management plans, are events like El Niño and monthly climate changes being taken into consideration? Can we correlate policy (including MPA's), and climate data with Market squid catch data? Have policy decisions impacted market squid fisheries overtime? With the use of GIS and squid data, I will answer these questions using catch data from 2000 to 2004. The use of GIS can aid in the future process of determining fishery closure areas, such as the Federal MPA's. Based upon the animated illustrations of catch over time I am able to come to the conclusion that the Channel Island MPA's have made an impact on the fishery, however, other factors have had greater effects such as sea surface temperatures changes.


Capstone Project (B.S.) Division of Science and Environmental Policy
