"Urban School Districts & Mass Incarceration of Young Black Males" by Simone Hollomon


Spring 5-20-2015

Document Type

Capstone Project

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Social, Behavioral & Global Studies

First Advisor

Angie Tran

Second Advisor

Rebecca Bales


The lack of quality education provided to minorities in urban school districts has had devastating outcomes for young black boys. The school to prison pipeline is a recognized problem in this nation that has allowed our prison population to disproportionately represent African-American males. The research examines the relationship between academic experience and life outcomes in relation to correctional control of young black males in Northern California. Through quantitative measures the researcher examines the opinion of survey participants on their primary and secondary educational experience. Along with interviews to provide personal testimonies about the life outcomes in relation to their educational experience. Non parametrical test revealed that students of color are suspended more often and although data was not strong enough to reject that staff-student relationships were equal among minority and majority students,descriptive statistics did reveal on average the experience with staff was more negative. The findings of this study highlight the nationally recognized issues in urban education of underachievement, zero-tolerance policies and an overall negative experience all of which attribute to the mass incarceration of young black males.
