

Document Type

Capstone Project (Open Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Music & Performing Arts



First Advisor

Lanier Sammons


My senior capstone project will explore the reasons for the extreme prevalence of misogyny among African-American male rappers. More specifically, it will discuss the origins of rap, misogyny, and the insertion of the latter into the former; examples of common misogynistic themes in rap; and the effects of misogyny on society and individuals. Additionally, the paper will explore the comparison of misogyny in rap to misogyny in other genres and an evolving climate that respects black women. Also, this project includes an EP featuring songs uplifting black women and criticizing misogynoir among their male counterparts.

While the paper will align with the second MPA Major Learning Outcome, Community Issues Analysis, and the fourth, Moral and Ethical Analysis; the creative project will engage the fifth outcome, Performance Skills. Also, the research will not only draw on journal articles such as those featured in the databases of George Washington University and Howard University but also interviews with notable figures in the genre and the music itself. Otherwise, the capstone project will determine that a lack of accountability among black men and society’s negative attitude towards their female counterparts contribute to the prevalence of misogyny among rappers.

Additional Files (205913 kB)
Five-track EP criticizing misogyny in rap music

MPA475_MackeyJ_Lyrics.pdf (81 kB)
