"PBIS Tier 2-3 Intervention Bank" by Alexis Garcia



Document Type

Capstone Project (Campus-Only Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Health, Human Services and Public Policy


Collaborative Health and Human Services

First Advisor

Hayley Newman


Many Tier 2 -3 Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports Leads experience difficulties in inequitable interventions and appropriate training needed to support students’ socio-emotional and academic needs. The Salinas Union High School District Wellness Centers aim to help students achieve their goals through a series of framework interventions and multi-tiered support systems. The Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports department is a framework that facilitates these interventions and ensures these are done with fidelity. The project is the creation of an intervention bank containing a robust menu of evidence-based interventions that will be utilized by Tier 2 - 3 leads to develop proper training and knowledge around services. The creation of the shared District-wide intervention bank consisted of a working group meeting for one and a half-hour five-day sessions with collaboration from the District PBIS Coordinator and Tier 2 -3 Leads during November. The intervention bank working group consisted of six leads from different sites within the district. The project concentrated on addressing the lack of equitable interventions and resources across all sites, developing proper training and knowledge around Tier 2 - 3 services, matching interventions to students’ needs, and determining entrance/exit criteria for interventions. The results for the main goal were provided by pre/post surveys determining whether Tier 2 - 3 leads had gained more knowledge towards the location and training of interventions and progress criteria with the utilization of the intervention bank. The expectation is that Tier 2 - 3 leads will benefit from crowdsourcing socio-emotional, behavioral, and academic interventions and calibrating progress monitoring for students and interventions.

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