"Syringe Exchange Program Outreach" by Jael Bucio



Document Type

Capstone Project (Open Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Health, Human Services and Public Policy


It is estimated that 1 in 5 people infected with HIV are unaware that they are infected and most of the new sexually transmitted HIV infections in the US originate from HIV-infected persons who are unaware of their infection. Access Support Networks (ASN), is a community based nonprofit organization whose mission is to provide support to neighbors and loved ones living with HIV or Hep C. ASN offers harm reduction and prevention education to reduce the increase in HIV rates in Monterey County. The contributing factors affecting the increase in HIV cases in Monterey County are attributed to people’s socioeconomic status, substance use, and lack of knowledge about Prep. Some of the consequences the community in Monterey will face are: increase in medical debt, deterioration of mental and physical health, and ultimately death. The project is a syringe exchange program outreach designed to reach the homeless population living in the cities of Seaside and Monterey. With each program outreach, there was a lack of awareness noted about the services offered by ASN among the people in the peninsula. The results of the program outreach recommend an expansion of ASN in the peninsula in order to continue serving the needs for HIV education, prevention, as well as referrals for care and treatment services.
