"Job Club Reset" by Richard Espinoza



Document Type

Capstone Project (Open Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science (B.S.)


Health, Human Services and Public Policy


Public Health


The Department of Rehabilitation has a program in place called Job Club for incoming clients. This project is a consolidation and revision of the current Job Club training presentations that is a part of the Department of Rehabilitation’s employment process. The Job Club training provides training in Soft Skills, Resume Writing, and an understanding of Professionalism in the sense of current Western American Culture. Unfortunately, the problem with the Job Club training was that it did not effectively communicate information to the audience. The contributing factors of this problem was that the presentations were very lengthy, lacked visual aids, had poor grammar, and were not in an organized fashion. The consequences of this is that the audience was not receiving the current information, would be overwhelmed with information, and would not be giving their full attention to the content. The new organization of these presentations and the amount of content was adjusted, as well as the addition of new information, and visual aids has created a new Job Club training. This new training is more vibrant, interactive with the audience, is condensed to a length that is manageable, and has the most current and important information pertaining to the employment process. This new revisions of the Job Club training has not been introduced to its intended audience as it is being adjusted and refined to promote the best information for the clients of the Department of Rehabilitation.
