"Being the Voice for the Voiceless" by Marina Lemus



Document Type

Capstone Project (Open Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Liberal Studies

First Advisor

Patty Whang


Many students are eager to step inside a classroom, but this eagerness and excitement can be difficult for shy students. The focus issue addressed in this Capstone Project is enhancing shy students’ engagement in the classroom. This is an important issue for students because of the fear that arises when speaking in front of their peers, which can be detrimental to their education. The three stakeholder perspectives examined were a special education high school teacher, a second-grade teacher, and a library media technician. An evidence-based argument is offered that shy students are falling behind in classrooms due to their inability to ask for help. An effective way for shy students to be successful in their classroom is by providing them with extra support after school. After the interviews, three action options emerged from an analysis of the data and were explored as ways to address the issue presented. Creating after-school support is argued to be the most effective way to achieve the goals of enhancing shy students’ engagement in the classroom.
