"Increasing Awareness Among Parents of Young Children About Technology" by Danna Gonzalez Calderon



Document Type

Capstone Project (Open Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science (B.S.)


Liberal Studies


Human Development and Family Science


Nowadays, many parents allow their young children to have access to technology and may not know the impact of technology use in children. For example, technology use can have an impact on the child’s conversational skills, social development, attention span, and relationship skills. When parents learn more about the benefits and detriments of technology use for young children, they will be able to set goals and make a plan for when their children do use technology. To increase parents’ awareness of the impact of technology use, I have designed a one-day session that will cover the benefits and detriments of technology for parents of children who are participants at Puente de la costa in Pescadero, California.
