"Restorative Justice in the Schools Program Evaluation Report" by Soukterannie P. Rith

Restorative Justice in the Schools Program Evaluation Report

Soukterannie P. Rith, California State University, Monterey Bay


Exclusionary methods of discipline ostracize students from their peers, teachers, and school community. Student misbehavior, lack of capacity to implement restorative justice methods, and office discipline referrals all contribute to the rise in the use of exclusionary discipline. The Restorative Justice in the Schools program serves Monterey County K-12 schools and offers administrators and teachers alternatives to exclusionary methods. They aim to address the consequences of exclusion, including adverse student outcomes, repeated offenses, and a lack of accountability and empathy. This capstone project measured outcomes of Restorative Justice in the Schools’ services. The purpose was to expose the benefits of restorative justice methods through community-based research. The expected outcome was a 75% positive rating on services. The results met the predicted outcome and supported reduced student misbehavior, relationship building, and classroom management skills. Recommendations include whole-school implementation, addressing repeat offenses, and creating hands-on activities.