"An Exploration of Architectural Acoustics and Design in Commercial Rec" by Mariana Henke



Document Type

Capstone Project (Open Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Music & Performing Arts


Music, Recording Arts

First Advisor

Lanier Sammons


Recording studios depend largely on architectural design to determine the sound characteristics of their space. Developing a series of industry standards and best practices will facilitate the design, construction, and material selection for commercial recording studios. Every aspect of a studio's construction will contribute to the space's acoustical characteristics: noise pollution, floors, ceilings, walls, HVAC systems, and acoustic treatment. In combining best practices from each, studio designers can establish ideal sound conditions within a recording studio environment. These established industry standards and best practices will be applied to a proposed recording studio design in order to further demonstrate an understanding and application of the described industry standards. Due to the wide variety of studio designs, it should be noted that there is no perfect studio design that can be replicated for optimal sound recording. Instead, acousticians and studio designers rely on these shared industry standards and best practices to develop the desired sound acoustics for commercial recording studios. Despite the variation in studio designs, the objective remains the same: manufacture a space with ideal sound acoustics through architectural construction and implementation of acoustic treatment.
