"Effects of Increased Use of Technology on Elementary School Students i" by Audri Lawrence



Document Type

Capstone Project (Open Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Liberal Studies


Liberal Studies

First Advisor

Paoze Thao


Technology has become a big part of the education system. Students use technology, such as tablets in their classrooms as early as preschool. There is much debate on whether or not the use of technology is needed in the elementary grades. This capstone closely examines how students are affected by the increased use of technology in the classrooms. In addition, the project explores how the intended technology affects students' development, social skills, and learning. Though technology has become an effective tool for students to use in our classrooms, it should be limited for young children, and should only be used for educational purposes. The findings of this capstone indicate that technology is an effective learning tool for teachers to incorporate into their pedagogies to engage students in their learning.
