"Family Day" by Laura Bonilla



Document Type

Capstone Project (Open Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Health, Human Services and Public Policy


Collaborative Health and Human Services, Social Work Concentration


Jóvenes Sanos of United Way Santa Cruz County is a youth-led program that works towards empowering youth voices in raising awareness regarding mental wellness. Communities have seen an increase in mental illness, therefore it is important to continue working on raising awareness within our communities. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness 1 in 6 adolescents in the United Stated between the ages 12-17 have experienced a major depressive episode. Jóvenes Sanos in conjunction with their affiliate Luna y Sol program conducted a Family Day Event to increase parent engagement, promoting healthy time between families and bringing other community agencies that can be of benefit to them. It was expected that through this event there would be 150 people attending and after the event it was determined that 130 people attended the event. The number of attendees was great and proved that youth and their families can benefit from these types of events. It is recommended that this event continues to happen yearly along with adding program participants' parents to the programs database in order to keep them involved with monthly newsletters and at least twice a year parent orientation meetings to inform parents of newcomers of the work their youth are doing in their community.
