"Empowering Families to Achieve Secondary Education" by Guadalupe Flemate



Document Type

Capstone Project (Open Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Health, Human Services and Public Policy


Many high school students in Monterey County are not pursuing secondary education. Through the Department of Community Services within Community Housing Improvement Systems and Planning Association (CHISPA) a workshop to educate students and parents on the importance of education and the A-G high school requirements was implemented. The workshop’s purpose was to educate and empower parents to become familiar with high school A-G requirements and a support system towards their children’s education. By educating parents and students on the A-G high school requirements, more high school students will be on the right path to achieve a secondary education. The expected outcomes of the workshop where to reach a maximum of thirty parents and children. After the workshop parents and children were able to recognize the high school courses that will help them to be college bound. Another outcome from the workshop was to obtain a $10,000 grant for Salinas High School to provide more academic guidance for high school Hispanic and Latino students. This workshop was a one-time workshop delivered in Spanish with a migrant high school counselor as a guest speaker. As a result of the workshop, ten parents walked out with an idea of what courses their children should be taking to pursue a secondary education. Recommendations to the agency are to keep doing the workshop annually around August, when students start the school year, and to have the workshop delivered to parents while children are occupied in other activities.
