"At-Risk Youth Community Engagement Valley Health Associates" by Nathalie Suarez



Document Type

Capstone Project (Open Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Health, Human Services and Public Policy


Collaborative Human Health and Services


Valley Health Associates is a non-profit organization specializing in substance abuse and recovery all across Monterey and San Benito County. The community served its youth ranging from ages twelve through seventeen. The Youth Outpatient Treatment program serves transitional youth from eighteen through twenty-four years old. Project implementation will be providing outreach fliers along with information about VHA. The purpose of this project is to spread awareness to get others involved. The problem of substance abuse comes from all ages, and younger lives are being affected without any knowledge. My method of outreach for VHA was professional communication. It was developed by speaking with local at-risk youth programs and alternative education schools. Knowledge in health and human services to create a partnership to gain intake referrals. The most important findings of this project include that not many agencies can connect with local non-profit organizations such as myself. What VHA can do to address the problem of opioid addiction is to continue pursuing awareness and outreach to our local community.
