"Destressing through Recreation" by Emely Jauregui-Bueno



Document Type

Capstone Project (Open Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Health, Human Services and Public Policy


Collaborative Health and Human Services

First Advisor

Geno Bragado


Watsonville Parks and Community Services is a youth center where students can go after school and do homework or participate in activities the youth center has for them. Teenagers experience stressful situations at home, school or just life in general. Adults don't seem to pay much attention to what is going around them, which leads youth to do things they are not supposed to do. The project purpose is for the youth to learn how to better cope with the stress levels they might be dealing with in life. The expected outcome is for the youth to learn to express themselves in ways other than lashing out in violence and learn how to cope with stress in a more relaxing way for them. The most important findings were that most of these kids were not stressed, because most of them mentioned they didn't have plans after high school or that they didn't want to go to college. The next step for the agency to do is inform the youth of the positive outcome in doing well in school, even if the youth don't have plans in going to college and show them the benefits if they do end up going to college. Most of these children are the first generation of their family in the United States, and the agency can help them be more successful by guiding them.
