"San Benito County Community Awareness Project: Victim Witness Services" by Arizahandi Hernandez



Document Type

Capstone Project (Campus-Only Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science (B.S.)


Health, Human Services and Public Policy


Collaborative Health and Human Services


One of the main issues that law enforcement encounters is the under-reporting or non-reporting of crime, which could potentially create issues in the future. This is related to the lack of awareness of resources available to victims of crime when a crime report is made. The San Benito County District Attorney’s Office, Victim Services division, primarily serving the community of Hollister has implemented the project of developing a website to provide information of the available resources to those who are victims of crime since there is a lack of awareness to what victims are entitled to when following a crime. The publication of the website has met the expected outcomes as the Victim Services division did not have a website all along. It is recommended for the website to be updated periodically as penal codes get updated and should reflect current laws regarding Victims rights also known as Marsy's Law.

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