

Document Type

Capstone Project (Campus-Only Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Health, Human Services and Public Policy


Immigrants from the Oaxaca community come to the United States in pursuit of a better life and more opportunities. Oftentimes may experience barriers in their life along with cultural differences that are not part of American culture. The Family and Children services department is there to prevent child abuse and neglect for children and youth and also have children remain in a permanent home. Due to barriers and cultural differences, there are times that the Oaxacan community loses out on opportunities for themselves and family. Sometimes may find themselves in the court dependency process and encounter language barriers when trying to work with the agency. The project assesses how the department is utilizing resources already available such as Centro Bionancional and how it is utilized or underutilized. The interviews and feedback provided concluded that the Centro Bionancional is underutilized. The next steps would be to draw awareness to both parties.

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