"Spanish-Speaking Parents in San Benito County Get Informed on Teen Dru" by Alejandra Rocha



Document Type

Capstone Project (Open Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Health, Human Services and Public Policy

First Advisor

Eliana Delgadillo


Language can be a barrier to parents and their access to resources in the community. There is a high consumption of drugs amongst teens, and parents need to be informed. As an intern for Youth Alliance and the collaboration of the San Benito Probation Department a class was held for Spanish-speaking parents in the community. The information was presented in a PowerPoint format. Parents also received a copy of the PowerPoint that they could use for future reference. During this class parents were informed about the most common drugs their teens might be exposed to. This included both street drugs, and home products that are used to obtain a high. This class focused on both the prevention and intervention of teen drug use. Information on signs of drug use, and how to help our teens was also provided. All attendees completed a pre and post survey. Based on this feedback, the conclusion was made that parents would appreciate more of these classes and information to be provided in the community.
