

Document Type

Capstone Project (Open Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science (B.S.)


Human Development & Family Science


Human Development and Family Science


This capstone project focuses on young adolescents’ use of social networking sites. As technology continues to grow and progress, its influence on adolescents grows and progresses along with it. Social networking sites provide adolescents with the opportunity to present their individuality to the digital world and the opportunity to connect and communicate with their peers. On the other hand, these sites also present vulnerabilities such as exposure to strangers, predators, and potential bullies. Due to the related psychological development, mental health and perspective of self issues with adolescents on these sites, it is important for parents to teach them how to positively navigate through them. It is also important for the parents of these adolescents to understand how they might help protect their children from these vulnerabilities. My capstone project first taught parents about the dangers of social media. This will address topics such as interacting with strangers, how they may be exposed to predators online and the dangers of cyberbullying. Secondly, they will be able to identify ways to teach their adolescents to protect themselves while they spend time on these social networking sites. Lastly, they will be able to identify ways that these sites may affect adolescents’ mental health and well being. This project will be presented to parents as a one hour workshop session to teach them about the effects of social media use for their children. This will be made available to parents living in Mountain House, California.
