"Turning Point Career Exploration" by Iliana Cardoso



Document Type

Capstone Project (Open Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Health, Human Services and Public Policy


According to the 2016-2017 Community Action Plan, Monterey County has a youth homicide rate of 23.32 per 100,000 in population compared to the California average of 8.06 per 100,000 (Monterey County Action Plan, 2017). Due to unstable homes, poverty, gang violence and other traumatic past experiences at-risk youth are at a higher exposure to unhealthy life challenges. Life-skills lessons can provide an opportunity for this adolescents to become a positive asset to their communities. This capstone focuses on providing the guidance, support, encouragement and readiness for the youth to find employment and become successful. The project “Turning Point Career Exploration” was implemented by Turning Point, a non-profit agency in Monterey County which provides employment, vocational training, and related services for court involved at risk youth from ages 16-24. The intern created an 8 week curriculum for the participants to help them be placed in a job site, prepared for interviews and interview clothing was provided for the youth. After completing the project intern felt confident that the agency will be successful in guiding the youth to a positive life. Turning Point should continue with the curriculum, workshops, putting themselves out in the community to become a great resource for those adolescents going thru negative life experiences. The agency as well should continue to update the curriculum for the workshops, making the people involved in the agency are helping the participants, and sharing their ideas with other agencies to see who else can benefit from their services.
