

Document Type

Capstone Project (Open Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Health, Human Services and Public Policy


Social Work


The demand for nonprofit family support services in Monterey County exceeds available resources, leaving many without access. Coordinated Family Support Services (CFSS) in Monterey County serves individuals and families referred through the San Andreas Regional Center, which is funded by Medi-Cal and state funds. Inadequate access to nonprofit family support services affects individuals and families in Monterey County. Contributing factors to this issue include limited resources and funding, not enough community engagement and partnerships, and insufficient staffing and expertise to provide these services. Transitioning CFSS from a for-profit to a nonprofit is impractical due to financial constraints and lack of infrastructure. The project aimed to assess the feasibility of transitioning CFSS to a nonprofit model, but research through Nonprofit Connection Santa Cruz County found it unviable. The research findings conclude that transitioning CFSS is not feasible due to the availability of additional state funds for services for those without Medi-cal as well as . It is recommended to increase collaboration with community organizations and implement cost-effective service delivery models within the current for-profit model.
