

Document Type

Capstone Project (Open Access)

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Health, Human Services and Public Policy


Social Work

First Advisor

Barbara Silverthorne


Marina High School students face challenges including misbehavior, truancy, and academic struggles. In collaboration with a social worker, the school's counseling department focuses on supporting high-risk students. High-risk students can lead to dropouts, involvement in crime, and poverty. The focus is on addressing academic underachievement due to behavior issues and low grades. Targeting the roots of this issue is to tackle mental health, improve life skills, and build a positive environment. The capstone aims to develop educational interventions around mental health, skill development, and socio-emotional well-being. High-risk students were identified and placed in targeted interventions or groups to address their specific challenges. Success was measured by the impact of interventions on behavior and academic performance before and after the completed educational sessions. Results showed limited improvement in managing emotions, prioritization, and overall academic performance. To improve outcomes, there needs to be increased consistency and individual monitoring to accurately address students' issues.
